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Gespage administration printing software is tailored for administrations regardless of their size. Its architecture allows simple or complex deployments. For a small quantity of machines, a Gespage server will control network equipment as well as those connected by USB on client workstations. For more complex deployments comprising many sites and a large number of printers, the “Server-Agent” technology makes it possible to control from a Gespage server and Gespage Agents which will communicate with this server but which will locally take charge of the work prints. Thus avoiding the back and forth of files from remote sites.

Client reference
The town hall and agglomeration of Evry in France
With a large number of sites (town hall, urban community, schools, annexes, etc.) and multiple print servers, Gespage enables secure printing on demand on the various multifunction devices.
The implementation of a printing policy and quotas for certain services reduced the costs of printing and copying. Identification by the building access badge or by printing code or even the single interface, whatever the models, greatly facilitate the use of multifunction devices.

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