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The Education printing software

Gespage benefits from the 30 years of experience acquired by Cartadis in the education field with cash and card payment systems.
The software is well suited either for a college with a small quantity of machines or a university of several thousand students and many printers, thanks to its architecture and its modular pricing.
The main advantages of Gespage are in the ability to define separate user groups each of which has a different functioning mode. The payment of copies and prints will apply to students but not to university staff.Gespage has a unique feature allowing students to use an electronic purse card in combination with an account located on a Gespage server.
Accurate management of quotas, payment of copies and prints, differentiated management of groups:
Students, Teachers, Administrative staff – Web Payment.
Print management by a server with modules for advanced functions
Gespage Mobile: print from anywhere, without print driver, from the web
Web CB: reloading of one’s print account by bank card on a secured site
Payment (Students) of copies and prints without cash management in your school
Client references
INSA Lyon in France
This great French engineering school offers its students a modern and friendly printing service.
For a service adapted to the demanding environment of INSA: reloading by credit card, printing from a laptop, tablet or smartphone, multilingual user interface and payment by student card.

For more information, contact us.