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Gespage allows you to generate print reporting in PDF or Excel formats to monitor the activity of your print fleet. These reports can be viewed and edited from Gespage interface or sent automatically by email to the people concerned.
Gespage features various standard reports that can be expressed as a volume (number of copies) or a value (for example: units of a quota or euro).
Reports by users / Groups of users / Cost centres
You can easily get reports by users, services, groups of users or cost centres.
Gespage offers a synthetic or detailed analysis of your print activity.

The concept of “activity” highlights the expenses related to a project or a customer, for example. So before printing, copying or even scanning, the user indicates the activity concerned, the administrator can then edit reports. This approach is relevant for purposes of cost accounting or a need for invoicing.
You can also analyze flows by category (Copies / Prints / Scans) and type (PDF, Image, Email …).

Rapports by equipment
Gespage allows you to analyze the use by equipment and thereby streamline your copiers and printers fleet.

Environmental statements and of savings
The Gespage solution allows for savings (see ROI calculation) by tracking the usages, applying a responsible print policy and offering the users to print only what they really need.
These savings can be estimated by volume, currency, but also on the environmental impact.
The interface enables information to be filtered and thus highlight the savings generated.

The solution Gespage also enables the environmental impact to be displayed.
Via the report editing

Or directly by the users from the multifonction