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Unlimited number of users
Whatever the Gespage license chosen, the number of users managed by the solution is unlimited. User Management in this feature is particularly relevant for large companies, universities or environments proposing users to create their accounts themselves.
AD / LDAP / Database Synchronization
Gespage enables the synchronization with one or more Active Directory, LDAP, or various data base (like Excel file). So the solution may import new users and if necessary delete leavers in an automatic and regular way. During this synchronization, Gespage can collect other information such as the email of the user, the location to his home directory, his identification card number…
The OU (Organisational Unit), groups, activities (cost center) can also be synchronized.

Quotas or not
User management by Gespage may or may not be limited by a quota. It is also possible to get limited users along with others unlimited. The quota may be an amount allocated by the administrator (possibility of periodic and automatic reload) or correspond to a paying reload (see section dedicated).
Access rights and Operator mode
For productivity and safety improvement, Gespage features access rights to the printers and MFPs. These rights allow to regulate access to the machines for example a right or not for copying or printing in color. User groups can be imported from Windows security groups or be defined in Gespage.

The operator mode allows some users to release, from a cPad, the pending prints sent by others. This is particularly relevant for a support having to recover the prints.
Autonomous account creation
In addition to the accounts synchronized with an AD or a LDAP, the Administrator may, from the web interface, create Gespage user accounts. These accounts can be used in the case of guests, or a structure without directory.
The administrator can also allow users to create their accounts. When purchasing a card on our DRC10 dispenser or via our user Web interface, the user can create and configure his account.

Reports and monitoring tool
From the web interface, the administrator generates detailed reports and can schedule the automatic email notification to the right people. These reports help to highlight not only the use made but also the savings provided by the solution (Print rules, forcing Black and white, print on demand …).
The system enables this information to be extracted by user, department (service), point of print, activity (cost center) … as an Excel table or PDF file.

The monitoring tool allows the administrator to manage prints. So he can delete a job, release or re allocated to another user or another printer.